Real-time Asset Management System (RAMS)

Excite the crowd and summarize your solution in a few sentences

I think we can all agree: SPEED, ACCURACY, AND RELIABILITY MATTER.  All of these are required to achieve organizational agility to outpace the threat, or we will lose.

Organizational change is a necessary response to a changing threat environment. Right now, we have mission leaders who are charged with transforming their organizations, but they can’t because they’re overwhelmed, often paralyzed, by our business process deficiencies. 

A solution exists today that could provide the Air and Space Force with a common interface and intuitive access to aggregated, trusted, and timely data – all at our fingertips. That solution is RAMS – a real-time asset management system.

We could reduce organizational change planning from 1 year to less than a day or validate where every asset is within hours. Our Air Force would have an audit-compliant asset management system, and our mission leaders could focus on delivering warfighting capability.

What is the Problem, Opportunity, or Unmet Need (POU)?

Organizational change is a necessary response to a changing threat environment. Right now, we have mission leaders who are charged with transforming their organizations, but they can’t, because they’re overwhelmed, often paralyzed, by our business process deficiencies. 

As a leader in the Dept of Air Force, I’ve been through 3 major organizational transformations in 5 years and each time it took dozens of people 6 months to a year, sifting through countless spreadsheets to validate the current state of a command’s assets. 

Failure to manage our assets with speed and accuracy during organizational change is holding us back.  This is a weakness, and it makes us vulnerable.

This problem has already been solved by Industry and other government agencies who are using commercial software solutions to transform their organizations and optimize their assets with speed, accuracy and reliability.

Who has the Problem, Opportunity, or Unmet Need?

The entire Air Force and Space Force.

What are the users doing now? What is the status quo?

We currently have at least 7 major systems handling some aspect of asset management across people, equipment and workspaces, but these systems are non-intuitive, disaggregated, inaccurate, and untimely. 

What is the solution?

A solution exists today that could provide the Air Force with a common interface and intuitive access to aggregated, trusted and timely data – all at our fingertips. That solution is RAMS – a real-time asset management system.

For the RAMS prototype, I have a contract in place, and 9 months after funding, we will have a solution that integrates our current disaggregated systems into a common interface covering a segment of my field command’s assets.

We could reduce organizational change planning from 1 year to less than a day or validate where every asset is within hours. Our Air Force would have an audit compliant asset management system, and our mission leaders could focus on delivering warfighting capability.

This solution would provide:

1) Visualization tools of all square footage usage and IT network drops and assets and components of those assets

2) Tracking tools to run optimization scenarios

3) An Assessment tool for budget planning end of life and cost replacement assessments

4) A Risk tracker for impending limit violations based on cases

5) A Digital Engineering Simulator to easily rearrange, put up/tear down objects in the visualizer to plan for and optimize future states for planning, reorganizing, and cost optimization.

Why/how is the proposed solution better than the status quo?

I’ve canvased my field command and nothing like RAMS exists today.  RAMS will accelerate data-driven decision-making and save over 50,000 hours that would have been wasted trying to plan organization transformations.  We need mission leaders exploiting organizational change, not wasting time planning it.  Outpacing tomorrow’s threat, today is how we WIN – with RAMS.

Are there known risks and barriers to implementing this solution?

The known risks to implementing RAMS are cyber security approvals for on premises server and software, and enterprise adoption to maximize field command efficiencies.

What resources do you have available to you currently to solve this problem?

For the prototype, there is a contract in place and a dedicated server space available.

What is your "Ask"?

To build and test this prototype, the ASK is $450,000: $350,000 for the server and software modules, and $100,000 for licenses and support. We need a dedicated implementation team and program management support. 

After a successful prototype, RAMS can scale to the entire field command in the following 12 months for another $660,000 for additional licenses and on premises servers in other geographies. RAMS will also need Air Force Chief Information Office’s involvement to collaborate on the plan to scale across the entire Force.

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