Project Kinetic Cargo Sustainment

Excite the crowd and summarize your solution in a few sentences

Modernization – Project Kinetic Cargo (PKC) is the innovative benchmark which is scalable across the enterprise and will digitize the cargo deployment process from start to finish by using commercial off-the-shelf technology and a new mobility process.

What is the Problem, Opportunity, or Unmet Need (POU)?

Project Kinetic Cargo Sustainment is currently weighted in the pool of unit funding. With potential scaling across the Air Force enterprise, PKC is seeking to offload the burden from the units and place it in reoccurring equipment maintenance funds.

Who has the Problem, Opportunity, or Unmet Need?

Logistics Readiness Squadrons and potentially other units who have acquisitioned Project Kinetic Cargo.

What are the users doing now? What is the status quo?

Units are currently utilizing out of date physical measurement and weighting systems that have been in place for over 20 years. Scaling and sustainment of this project would change the aircraft transportation process in adapting new technologies globally and reduce the process time tremendously.

Unit's will have to fund sustainment of PKC - estimated to be at $170K.

What is the solution?

Approve and continue to scale Project Kinetic Cargo for use by all Air Transportation Specialists and major mobility hubs across the Air Force and Department of Defense, and have Kinetic Cargo be centrally managed.

Why/how is the proposed solution better than the status quo?

Ensures annual unit funding are utilized on mission-centric logistical needs versus offloading a large portion of their budget to sustain Project Kinetic Cargo.

Are there known risks and barriers to implementing this solution?

Requires approved Authority to Operate for Kinetic Cargo system and transportation policy changes.

What resources do you have available to you currently to solve this problem?

Data and metrics of time saved during recent PACAF exercises, Keen Sword and Cope North.

Additionally, Air Force Research Lab is currently working on a project RAWHIDE. With their coordination/collaboration we learned that we would easily integrate the PKC equipment and process, streamlining future workflows even further during the Air Transportation process.

What is your "Ask"?

  1. $3.4M to scale for 20 major mobility hubs across the Air Force and Department of Defense.

  2. Centrally manage Project Kinetic Cargo

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