Accelerated Development of Multi-Capable Airmen & Guardians

Idea Summary:

Special Warfare is currently prototyping ways to transform and modernize the way we train. Our project streamlines processes through technology and enhanced integration of human performance systems. The success of this prototype will allow AETC to aggressively modernize training with a focus on the learner as well as provide both AETC and operational units an established acquisition solution to implement the technology and methodology across their enterprise.

What is the Problem, Opportunity, or Unmet Need (POU)?

For most career fields, Airmen may receive minimal or no training outside of their specialty code. However, the Air Force is pushing to develop multi-capable Airmen (MCA) to enhance and diversify their abilities thus enhancing the capabilities and efficiency of missions in hostile environments.

The Special Warfare prototype project will provide linkages between human systems and operational tasks across a spectrum of skillsets that will accelerate training, learning, and retention while developing Airmen in multiple competencies. The successful prototype will translate to a solution AETC can leverage to train Airmen in a more efficient and dynamic way to better prepare them for wartime situations that may require them to step outside their specialty code. Lastly, this solution creates the opportunity to drastically reduce logistical and resource constraints while providing tools to increase skill proficiency and critical knowledge retention.

Who has the Problem, Opportunity, or Unmet Need?

Development of multi-capable airmen has become a priority across the Air Force to prepare for the near-peer threat. Several operational Wings have been tasked to solve the problem of creating multi-capable Airmen in support of Agile Combat Employment. Feedback from those Wings is that MCA training presents a costly manpower and logistical strain that is not sustainable. To ensure standardization and sustainability, AETC can lead the way in presenting a cost-effective and sustainable model through the SWTW prototype.

What are the users doing now? What is the status quo?

The current training methodologies focus on immersion. This trains students to prepare for a test without a focus on developing that skills set for long term use. Upon completion of training, they often struggle to recall that information in the future. The progression from crawl to run is so rapid that it does not allow the learner to develop automaticity. Upon graduation the Air Force considers them deployable but in reality, they are placed into situations that are a trial by fire.

What is the solution?

The Special Warfare prototype project leverages Human Performance disciplines to optimize training outcomes for specified operational tasks. By utilizing simulators with modern educational practices, we can save time and increase learners ability to recall information.

The SWTW prototype integrates operational tasks using live/synthetic blended environments capturing data which is ingested by a performance intelligence platform. The real-time analysis of physical and cognitive performance result in a more holistic picture of capabilities, skills, and readiness.

The facility is self-paced and allows for individualized training. The combination of technology used to create operational realism with an intelligence platform that can identify areas of focus and improvement will accelerate training to develop multi-capable Airmen. Additionally, the data collected will provide an individual and group capabilities and risk assessment for planners and commanders. The prototype is being designed to integrate data and instruction between purely academic training and field training to better prepare Airmen as they transition into operational units.

Why/how is the proposed solution better than the status quo?

The proposed solution offers a learner centric focus. By focusing efforts on the learner, it enables us to use modern methodologies that save time and money while increasing the capability of the individual. Utilizing the simulation prototype allows individuals to train in a multifaceted environment with the ability to adjust the intensity of the training evolution. Simulations are a proven tool that are becoming more widely adopted to increase the number of repetitions an individual can receive while reducing logistical demands. Utilization of these methods closes the gap between training and mission execution by helping to create automaticity in the learner. The ability to provide real time feedback, track individual skill sets, and knowledge levels allows instructors to understand gaps and adjust objectively to maximize instruction. In addition, the feedback students receive from the performance intelligence platform help identify areas for self-improvement and focus.

Are there known risks and barriers to implementing this solution?

Barriers and risks previously identified have been mitigated with use of proven technology, support in curriculum integration, and stakeholder buy-in. 

What resources do you have available to you currenlty to solve this problem?

This project currently has Special Warfare Training Wing, 2nd AF and Headquarters Air Force Human Performance leadership buy-in. In addition, our team partnered with the Defense Innovation Unit and has an established contract solution and rapid acquisition strategy that can be leveraged by all organizations across the Department of Defense.

What is your “Ask”?

We are asking for $1.6M to scale the successful prototype from squadron level to across the Special Warfare Training Wing enterprise. This funding will be used to provide the licenses for the knowledge retention app and performance intelligence platform as well as integrate simulators in our wings three other training squadrons and five other career fields. Once the low-rate initial production proves successful, the technology and methodology can proceed to a full rate production and adoption across AETC and operational units in order to increase our forces survivability, lethality, and readiness

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